The opposite is hyperthyroidism, where the thyroid produces too much thyroid hormone. However, the link between hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism is complex, and one can lead to the other, in certain circumstances. Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism, or the way the body uses energy. If thyroxine levels are low, many of the body’s functions slow down.

Fast facts on hypothyroidism
- The thyroid gland produces two thyroid hormones, TS3 and TS4
- These hormones regulate the body’s metabolism.
- TSH tells your thyroid how much thyroid hormone it needs to make. If the thyroid hormone levels in your blood are too low, your pituitary gland makes larger amounts of TSH to tell your thyroid to work harder.
If your thyroid hormone levels are too high, the pituitary gland makes little or no TSH - Symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, cold intolerance, and joint and muscle pain.
Frequently Asked Questions
To begin with book your appointment slot on call or whatsapp on 9860525657. Fill in your details in “How to start section?”.Then you will receive an OTP (ONE TIME PASSWORD) which will create your personal account on the website.Then choose then diet plan you want eg. diabetes + weight loss.Fill the assessment form. Then we could proceed ahead
Diet plan is completely designed keeping in mind your likes /dislikes, medical history, social and economic background.Its a tailor made plan emphasising on your cultural and home based diet so that you could sustain it for life.
You are the only person to decide how long it is going take to achieve your goal.
To work this out smartly write down your goal, set a deadline, work on your mind set and follow all the guidelines given by me.
To work this out smartly write down your goal, set a deadline, work on your mind set and follow all the guidelines given by me.
One’s body works according to its own wish. Every body type is different. Some may lose weight fast or some may lose inch fast or even both. So targeted weight loss or spot reduction is a myth. You will lose inch & weight gradually.
Yes goals once achieved are definitely sustainable as you would be provided with a maintenance plan post your goal achievement which would include how you could sustain.